Continent of Antharis (from the Map Shop) Ct+ + + + + Y + + + + + +Le KEY: Py + + = Path ++++Ac Major landmarks: Guild areas: Am + B = Basalt Keep (You are here) Kh = Khorne + M = Mileo Le = Lepers + Mo = Moltentear Ch = Chefs + D = Wandering Sands Desert Va = Vampires + Ct = Cthulhu + Wizard's areas: Vi = Vikings + Py = Pygmies + Mo Am = Amazons Guilds in Basalt Keep: +++++++++++B++ Y = Yupanqui village Knights +++ Ac = Acoma village Monks + Fe = Fesisburg + C = Coventry + L = Lawrence + Un = University city + A = Avis' area Asyvan's + An = Desert of Angolad Sphinx + | Ch+ Dz's Pyramid Inn +++-+C | + + ++ + Va ++++ + + + A ++++ + + ++ + + + Fe+ + + + + + + ++Earthwound M+ + +++++++ + Un+++ + + +++++ + + + + + + + +++++ + + L + + ++++++++ + Vi + + + + An + + + +Kh + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basalt Keep --Office (Sea of Heavenly Fire) (Moltentear Volcano) Shack--| | Airship Port Shack--+-Mound u | Docks: West---Central---East--Map Shop | / Ind | \ / | \ / | ---Monastery |/ Camp | \/ | \/ | | Foot-- Tunnel | Knights B | /\ | /\ | B Slums / \ | \ | u | / \ | / \ | u | / (Mount ---- (Jungle of ---Farm----O---West--ne-----n------T--East---O------------------/ Sentinel) Tlipotlic) lands | Gate | \ / | \ / | Gate | / | | \/ | \/ | | / | | /\ | /\ | | / | | / \Lars \ | | / | Safe--w----Temple---e--Inn | / | | \ / \ / | | / | | \/ | \/ | | / | | /\ | /\ | | / | | / \ | / \ | | / | Bank--sw-----s-----se--Post | / | | | | | / | Adventurer's | General | / | Guild | Store | / | Main | / | Shop--Gate--Tourist | / T - Druid Tree | | \ u | / B - Battlement | | Guard-Sheriff | / O - Outer Perimeter | Trade |/ o-------------Road----------------o | | (Jungle) | | Chefs--Trade Road | | (Wandering Sands Desert) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Basalt Keep: [b] - [W] - [e] - [w][M] [ ] - Monastery | X | X | [ ] [ ] Tlipotlic - [g] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [g] - Road to Road Moltentear | X | X | [s] - [ ] - [T] - [ ] - [p] | X | X | [$] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [m] | | [a] | [q] [S] - [g] - [t] - [l] | \ Trade [ ] - [o] Road b = The Antharis board $ = Bank W = Pier where the Wayfarer docks m = Post office e = Pier where the Explorer docks a = Adventurer's guild w = Tower where the Windloft docks q = Equipment store g = Gate S = Shop s = Safe Store t = Tourist information T = Temple of Lars l = Library p = Pub o = Sheriff's office M = The Map Shop This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Basalt Keep Surroundings: [v] Moltentear | / [v] [v] - [v] | / [v] - [v] / Tlipotlic - [ ] - [g] - B - [g] - [ ] Road | | | / [ ] - [g] - [ ] | Trade Road v = On the Moltentear Volcano g = Gate B = Basalt keep This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mileo o Jaeger's | / o--o--o--o--o Nasigoreng's--o | | \ Twr o o----o----o o | | | \ o--o--o Shop Soup o---Twr o o | / Shop| | \ (Harbour) o--o--o--T--o--o------------o----o----o--Gates o | | | | | \ Twr o Sanctuary Drechbrel's o---Twr o o o | | | | | | \ o--o--o--o--o o--o--o----o----o o-------------o---- | Theater Obelisk ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Mileo: [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [S] [ ] - [T] [ ] / | | Harbour Area - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [s] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | | [ ] - [T] [ ] [ ] Sunblood Road | | | | \ | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] [o] - [ ] - Towards the Trade road S = Shop T = Tower s = Soup kitchen o = Obelisk This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Fesisburg. The town area: bar | [h] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - Road to Mileo \ | | [p] - [ ] [r] | \ slum [+] - [ ] h = Harbour area (where the Explorer docks) s = Sunblood Road to towards Mileo p = Policestation r = Regdem's house + = Hospital for the terminally ill. This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Raceboy's Karaoke Bar. Tower 1st floor. Bar area populated by various characters. Fairly detailed area. The Bar area: [ ] - [s] - [ ] | \ | / | [A] - [ ] - [ ] | X | X | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | [e] - [t] e = Exit s = Stage t = Toilet A = Alcohol This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Tower, 2nd floor. The Tower area: [ ] [ ] | | [c] - [c] - [c] d [ ] - [v] | | | [s] [ ] [l] d / bar [l] d = Door s = Stairs c = Corridor l = Laboratory v = Vent This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasigoreng's Slum: Large inhabited slum area inhabited by various creatures. No details, more of a hack and slash area. The Slum area: to town | [r] - [ ] [ ] - [r] - [ ] | | [r] - [r] - [r] - [r] [ ] - [u] | | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] [r] - [m] | | | [c] - [r] - [r] - [r] [m] - [ ] | | | [ ]- [ ] | [r] - [ ] [r] [ ] - [m] - [m] | | | [c] [ ] - [r] [u] [u] [m] | | | | [r] - [r] - [m] - [m] - [m] r = Road m = Mussel road u = House with second floor This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asarnil's Shinzawai camp: [ ] - [P] | [P] [ ] | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] [B] | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | Acoma Village B = Barracks P = Noble's Pavillion This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asarnil's Acoma village: Shinzawai camp | [C] | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | [ ] - [I] | Tlipotlic - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [A] road | [L] C = Entrance to Cho-ja hive I = Ice cream Parlour A = Asarnil's home L = Library This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asarnil's Cho-ja hive level 1: [E] [ ] | | [ ] [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [E] - [ ] - [ ] - [E] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] E = exit up/down This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asarnil's Cho-ja hive level 2: [E] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] [ ] | | [E] [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [E] | [ ] E = exit up/down This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asarnil's Cho-ja hive level 3: [ ] - [ ] - [E] - [ ] - [ ] | [ ] | [ ] E = exit up This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfenhex's This is a map of the giant ice cube that floats around Antharis. The Giant Ice Cube: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [D] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [I] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ [H]-[ ]-[C] [ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ] ~ ~ | | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [P]-[ ]-[S] [ ]-? ~ ~ C = Information Center | | ~ ~ ~ D = Dock ?-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-? ~ ~ H = House | | | ~ ~ ~ I = Igloo ?-[ ]-[ ] [I]-[ ]-? ~ ~ P = Village Pub | | ~ ~ ~ S = Supplies Shop ? ? ~ ~ ~ X = Your Position ~ ~ ~ ? = Unknown This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaleah's University City. *-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\ University City Atlas /\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-* Page 1: Contents 2: A note from the Abbott 3: City Overview 4: Northern Forest 5: Middle Forest 6: Southern Forest 7: Eastern (Scholars') University Complex 8: Northern (Craftsmens') University Complex 9: Temple Complex 10: Southern (Athletes') University Complex 11: Western (Artists') University Complex 12: Northern Beach 13: Middle Beach 14: Southern Beach 3: City Overview # # # # NB # : : # NF # : NN : # ......#......:..........:......#...... # : : # # : : # MB # WW : TT : EE # MF # : : # ......#......:..........:......#...... # : : # # : SS : # SB # : : # SF # # # # NB, MB, SB - North, middle, and south beach. NF, MF, SF - North, middle, and south forest. NN - Northern (Crafter's) University Complex. SS - Southern (Athlete's) University Complex. WW - Western (Artist's) University Complex. EE - Eastern (Scholar's) University Complex. TT - Mentarin Temple Complex. # - City walls. : , .. - Roads 4: Northern Forest o o o (+) o | \ o (+)-(+) o o o University City Northern Forest \ | \ o (+)-(+)-(+) o o o *-/\-/\-/\-/\-Key-/\-/\-/\-/\-* \ | X | \ o (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) o Rooms: \ | X | X | \ o (+) - Wooded areas (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @ (H) - Herbalist's cottage | X | X | X | @ (R) - Clearing; Light Leaf Path (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @ | X | X | X | @ Details: (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @ # - City walls # | X | X | X | @ - Edge of the forest # (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @ @ - Thicker forest (The Light # \ | X | / @ Leaf Forest continues to # (H)-(+)-(+) @@ the east, but is very # / | X | @ thick and not the property # (+)-(+)-(+) @ of University City) # | X | X | @ o - Edge of the Cliffs (A # (+)-(+)-(+) @ sharp drop-off toward the # | X | / @ Sunblood Sea.) # (+)-(+) @@ # | X | @ # (+)-(+) @ # | / @ [City]<-------(R)---------->[Antharis Trade Road] 5: Middle Forest [City]<----(R)---->[Antharis Trade Road] # | @ # (+) @@@ # | \ @ # (+)-(+) @@@ University City Middle Forest # | X | \ @ # (+)-(+)-(+) @ *-/\-/\-/\-/ Key \-/\-/\-/\-* # | X | X | @ # (+)-(+)-(+) @@ Rooms: # | X | X | \ @ (+) - Wooded areas # (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @ (R) - Clearing; road or path # | X | X | X | @ (Y) - Yaleah's cabin # (+)-(+)-(+)-(+) @@ (V) - Veilleur's cabin # | X | X | / _____ @ # (+)-(+)-(+) | \ @@@ Details: # | X | X | | \ @ # - City walls # (+)-(+)-(+)-| Y | @ @ - Thicker forest (The Light # _ \ | X | | / @ Leaf Forest continues to # | \ (+)-(+) |_____/ @@@ the east, but is very # | \_| / @ thick and not property # |___(V) @@@@@@@@@@ of University City) # / | @ # (+)-(+) @ # | / @ # (+) @@ # | @ # (+) @ # | @ [City]<----(R)---->[Antharis Trade Road] This atlas is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fyghter's Coventry: [ ] - [R] | Trade Road <- [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] [ ] / | . [ ] [F] [ ] R = Race Track F = Fitness centre This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balin's Lawrence: [D] | [ ] | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | | [ ] [ ] [ ] | | [ ] [ ] - [G] | | [ ] [ ] | | [ ] Castle [ ] | | | [ ] [ ] [ ] | | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] / | . [S] Light Leaf [B] Forest D = Docks G = Geek's clubhall S = Shop B = Blacksmith shop This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metro's Amazon Village: [E] - [ ] | [ ] - [ ] | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] - [ ] [ ] | | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | [ ] - [P] | [ ] - [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] [ ] | [ ] - [ ] E = Entrance/Exit P = Princess' hut This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avis' Fort: [ ] [ ] | [ ] - [C] [ ] / [ ] - [ ] | | [ ] - [ ] C = Entrance to the caverns This map is from the Map Shop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage's 6---o 1 Before the Gates of Kazad-Dor 9 | |\ 2 In Front of the Castle s | | \ 3 Castle entrance o o-7 o o 4 In Front of the Southwest Tower s | | | 5 In Front of the Southeast Tower ruins s8---3--o \ 6 Dining Room | | \ 7 Bedroom 4----2--5 o 8 Southwest Tower, bottom floor cl Guitar / \ 9 Top of tower and Roc nest o--o Club-----o \ S Snake under flat stone cl / V Vultures and carcass o--o o W Sandworm and skeleton cl / C Small cave o Mtn T The wind: Teranor is with us | / F A face in the mountain 1 o o ! Don't lie down, and don't hang around | | / - jump in sandstorm to go to Bug Paradise o----------------o---------V---------o | | | | !----------------o---------o---------o | | | F T----------------o---------o | | W---------S--C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage's Map taken from Rhunar ,----------------------------------------------------. ( The Castle | | Inside the # | | mountains: /|\ * | | Kazad-Dor/\ /_) \ * Passage | ) /\ / \/(_ \ /\ /\* under the | | / \/ \ ) \ /\ / \/ *\ mountains ( ( / /G__ _/.\_ / \ /\/ \*/\\ ) | / __/....\/.....\/___/ \___/*/ \ | | /\..................\__/....../\ \ ( | / \........................../ \ | | /\_'.........................\_ \ ) ( / \............................/\ | ) \...The Angolad Desert...../ \ | | /\ /........................./ | | / |..........................`-_/\ ( | /......................,\ /\../ \ | ( /\....................../ / \/ | | / \.../\................\_ \ ) | \/ \.................\ /\ ) | / /\................./ \ | ( \.../\.._/\...._C \ | | \,/ \/ \ _/ Small cave into ( ( \ \ the mountain | `----------------------------------------------------' ============================================================================================================================ Malan's Antharis Map ? u o--o | | 30 o jaguar,pygmy, o--o \ snake,bumblebee, u o 16 Trade road south of crab o--o \ Basalt Keep (Obelisk) o--o--o | | o 17 River Cotl (Obelisk) 23? |\ |\/| o--o \ o 18 Shinzawai Camp | | \|/\| | o | 19 Cho-ja Hive o o--o--22 \ o-18--? 20 Acoma Ice Cream parlour | / / \ o | 21 Ferry to Lepers' o--o o o \ o ? o o--o 22 An enormous Sequoia Tree \ / o | | | | 23 burial chambers o----o--o \ 29 o-18--o--o 24 berries / | rags o | | | | 25 by the river o | | o o o o white stone again | o brg | can enter river to Amazon Priestess 26--o / | o--o--o 26 tall wooden platform / / o | 27 Entrance into Moltentear o--o--o hut | 19 28 Servants of Evil Society | | 21 needra | 29 Yupanqui? o o | o--o--o 30 Cthulhu? | o | brg | Asarnil's o o o--20 Lorenzo's \ |@ Acoma Village | | | 28 o-----brg-------o-------17-------o-----------o--o--o--o / | | | | | 27 Metro's o o o o o / d | o / o Molt o--o o / d / | o o / o tree o-24--o--25 | o--o | / o house o | |/ / (vine) \ o--o Drechbrel's o o----o Moltentear Mount o | | / Sentinel \ o--o--o |/ o | o----o tunnel o o o / \ | \ / o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o----o--o--o--Basalt--o---o | Keep | / Tlipotlic | | | / Jungle | | |/ o----16----o |@ o o o o o o @ Obelisks: | 1 Basalt Keep. Chefs--o 7V 2 Cloudpeak barrier. (Wandering Sands Desert) RdHouse| 3 Mileo. | 4 Rift of the Gods. pyramid Asyvan's | 5 River Cotl. o Dz's Sphynx | | Infinitesimalia | | 8V o----o----------------------------o-------o--o--Fyghter's Coventry | | | | Pub 14 o o--o o 15 / \ / | o o o Rift of Vampires arch o o--o--o--o o \|u Avis' the Gods | ?--o-13 Fort scorpion,snakes,vulture, o \ ? o | \ / o o--o | | | o o--o @|14V | 12--o--o--o o | \ / | | \|/ o o--o gnu,zebra,antelope,lioness,lion cub, o-o--o--o--o o 11 Pub/Inn: The Golden Nugget / | | / \ o 12 Southern Edge of Rift (Obelisk) o Pub |18V 13 Caverns of Contagion o Jaeger's 11 o-o-o-o-o-o-o Paragon Hall 14 Life Insurance Co. o Waterby | 15 Pub: The Pyramid Inn / o Nasigoreng's--o o Fesisburg \ o o |22V o o----o Earthwound o | d Mileo o o ? | \ |24V o-----------o--o--o--o--o----1---- Leowon's @ | Theater of Reason o o | o-o-o-o-2 27V / | Yaleah's--o-o-o o o University o / | City o Balin's o-o-o-o-o o 29V o Lawrence / \ o | o o \ | / o o-o-o-o--3--o-o-o o | o 1 Mileo crossing o o 2 The Savannah o (Vikings) \ 3 a large oak tree | o 4 slot machines (Yaleah's) o / \ 5 Viking ships dock here / Mirage's o-----------------------------------------------o 6 pier (join Vikings here) o \ | 7 Cloudpeak Barrier Pass (Obelisk) / o o 8 partial deck of cards o |\ | 9 Pub/Inn: Blood on the Vine | o o o--Khorne | 10 to castle but drawbridge is up o |/ \ Temple (Barovia) o--o | hut o @7 | o--tent f--f u o--o / | o o o o | o o | ctg | | | | o o o--v--v--v--v--v---o---o o | | | | | | | | hut o--brg---v oo o Pub o | o | | | u 9 o / o o 10 o | d ? / \ 8 o o 4 ? o 6 o \ / 5-oo-o ============================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================